Job agent

You can create a job agent in Webcruiter and recieve emails when new adverts have been published. You can either set this up when you have logged on to your profile and do a search under Jobs ( login to your profile: or you can set up a search via this page

You can either do a selection based on the filters on the right side, or you can just type in what you are searching for and you will see the result. 

For more tips on how to create a more advanced search please see this tips in the user guide in the chapter "More jobs"

Here are some tips tips for refining your advert searches

Webcruiter’s advert search feature has a number of advanced search methods you can use to narrow your search and find the most relevant hits. The following tips apply to both Webcruiter’s “Positions” page and to employers’ own lists of positions.

Special characters in searches
+ = AND
| = OR
* = wildcard (matches one or more characters)

Example searches:

  • Doctor in specialisation = “Doctor” OR “in” OR “specialisation”. This will find adverts that contain one or more of the words “Doctor”, “in” and “specialisation”.
  • Doctor+specialisation = “Doctor” AND “specialisation”. This will find adverts that contain both the word “Doctor” and the word “specialisation”.
  • Doctor -temporary = “Doctor” OR NOT “temporary”. This will find adverts that either contain the word “Doctor” or that do not contain the word “temporary”.
  • Doctor | specialisation = “Doctor” OR “specialisation”. This will find adverts that contain either the word “Doctor” or the word “specialisation”.
  • Temp* = This will find adverts that contain the word “temp” and other words beginning with those four letters, such as “temporary” or “template”.

You can also create combinations of the above:

  • Doctor+(-temporary) = “Doctor” AND NOT “temporary”. This will find adverts that contain the word “Doctor”, but not the word “temporary”.
  • Doctor+(shift|temporary) = “Doctor” AND (“shift” OR “temporary”). This will find adverts that contain the word “Doctor”, and either the word “shift” or the word “temporary”.

You can also search for an exact phrase. If you type "doctor in specialisation" in the search field (including the quotation marks), this will find adverts that contain this exact phrase.

You can use these advanced search methods for saved searches and/or to set up job notifications in order to ensure that your job searches are as relevant as possible.

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