
Competitions in irecommend are used to motivate and reward your users. There are two types of competitions in irecommend Individual and Teams. Points are collected by recommending relevant people for open positions, and will increase depending on how far the candidate moves in your recruiting process. All competitions will have a start and end date. The individual and/or Team that has collected the most points (points per user for Teams competitions) during this period set for the competition will be the winner and can receive a reward in form of an activity, a gift, a gift card, money, the honor or whatever you think motivates your organization.

How to work with competitions

Competitions are set up and edited in the competitions tab in irecommend admin. The individual competition and the Team competition is set up separately, so you can choose to only start one of them, or both. 

To start a new competition you will only need to fill out the below information. 

  • Title
  • Start date and end date
  • Reward for the winner/winners.
  • A description of the competition.

Important note - If this is your first time creating a competition we suggest that you read this article through to the end and/or contact our support for help before you start creating your competitions


When you publish a new competition two emails will automatically be created in the communications section. One email that announces the new competition (will be sent on the start-date) and one to announce the competition has ended to give the final results (sent on the last day). Nothing will be sent out or become visible for your users until the actual start-date. 

After you press publish be sure to visit the communications tab so you can see and edit the e-mails that will be sent out. It's possible to remove the e-mails or change the send date if you want to communicate this in another way, read more about the communication connected to competitions further down in this article. 

If you have an individual and a team competition in parallell (starting and ending at the same days), there is one email called “New competitions in irecommend” and another called “The winners in irecommend” that you can replace the four scheduled emails with, so that you just send out one email at a time with all info instead of one for the individual and another for the team competition on the same day. You find these emails under templates on the communication section. 

The other automatic thing that will happen after you have created a new competition is that all previous points that individuals or teams have collected will be reset on the start-date of your new competition, this is so that all competitions will start from zero and give everyone an even start. If you have had a previous competition before or just want to save the score-board as it looks now, be sure to take notes or a print-screen before the start-date of you new competition.

Due to the automatic actions, it's always a good idea to create the new competition some days in advance. This will give you time to save the old scores and make sure that the communication looks good before the start of the new competition. It's not when you create or publish your competition that this actions happens, it's on the date that you have set as start-date.



On the start-date of your competition the scores collected until then will be reset, and all users will start with 0 points again. 

The scores from previous competition is not possible to get back after the reset, so make sure that you have saved the information you need before that. A tip is to save a list of the top 5 individuals and/or teams in the competition and the points they had. This way you can compare how your different competitions has gone, and if a specific price or reward seamed to have increased the number of points. 

After the points are reset the e-mail announcing the competition will be sent out to all your users if you have not canceled it, and any new points received after thet will be counted in this new competition. 

After that the competition will run itself, and until a few weeks before the end date of you competition there is nothing that you need to manage except motivating your coworkers to recommend! 


Make sure the rewards are prepared for the winners, look over the email that announces the winners and plan for an eventual new competition to start after this one ends. Our recommendation is to start a new competition as soon as possible, since all points collected in between two competitions will be lost when a new competition starts.

Points will not automatically stop being counted on on the end-date of the competition, therefore the competition will formally end at the time the email that announces the winners is sent out. If you have removed this email and are planning to announce the results of the competition in another way, it's a good idea to block out some time in your calendar on the end-date so that you can collect the scores and save them for when you make the announcement. Points will continue to be counted until the scores are reset by the new competitions start-date


On the end-date of a competition make sure that the scores has been presented or saved, and make sure to celebrate everyone that has contributed by recommending candidates, and of course the winners! After this, we recommend you to start a new competition!


  • There are two types of competitions - Teams and Individual 
  • The goal of the competition is to collect as many points as possible (Points per user for the team competitions)
  • There is a start-date and an end-date of all competitions
  • You can create a new competition before it starts, it will then be activated on the set start-date
  • When a new competition is first created, two emails will be scheduled in the communications section to be sent out on the start-date and the end-date
  • All previously collected points will be reset on the start-date of the new competition
  • Points will not stop counting on the end-date of the competition. 

More info about Teams and the Team competition

How are the Teams set up? 

When one of your invited users registers, they will choose which of your already set up teams they belong to. The teams should be divided in a way that works best for your organisation. It could for example be the departments within your organisation (sales, HR, finance, product). In bigger organizations it could be your different locations (Stockholm office, Oslo office, Chicago office etc). You can also create teams only for irecommend and let your users choose which team they want to belong to. 

How are points counted? 

Points are received when someone in the team make a recommendation, points then ads on if the recommended candidate goes further in your recruiting process. 

Read more about points for recommendations here

The total score of the team will be the total points of all team members divided by the number of registered team members. (total points / total team members) This is to make the competition fair even if the teams differs in size. 

The team that has collected the most points the last day of the competition will win! 

irecommend will also show you what place all teams ended in, so you can choose to reward the teams that came in on 2nd and 3rd place etc.

Is it possible to switch teams?

Yes, users can switch teams whenever they want i Irecommend, this is to facilitate when users switches positions or team within your organization.

Will the total number of team members count users that has not made any recommendations as well, and should those users get rewarded? 

Yes, the score will be divided by all team members even if some of them has made no recommendations. Our believe is that just activating your account in Irecommend is a step in the right direction and an indication that the users will eventually recommend someone when there is an opportunity. Maybe there was no position published during the competition that was a good match for their network. 


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