Understanding the metrics

A description of KPIs and other relevant terms you'll find in the platform.


The candidate behind a specific application.


An application to a specific position by a candidate.


Short for Applicant Tracking System. Many organizations use this kind of system to manage positions and applicants.


A person who has applied for one or more positions. A candidate is not associated with any specific position, except through his/her applications. A candidate can be the applicant of several positions. Ontame only uses information about the applications and not the candidates themselves.

Candidate Quality 

The rating of an applicant is based on your recruiter's own assessment. Ratings are registered in different ways across recruitment systems, so we map the system-specific ratings to our own three-point scale.


The notion of a click is used in relation to Tracking Links and represents a raw count of the number of times the Tracking Link has been requested from our server. We do, however, perform some basic filtering on the events to remove traffic from robots.

Conversion rate 

Is how many job views converts to applications.

Corporate Website 

Refers to the website(s) owned by your organization. Ontame manually maintains the list of Corporate Websites.

Direct Traffic 

Unfortunately, it is not possible to track the referrer for all visitors. Direct traffic refers to the situation where the initial request made to the site does not have any referrer information attached. It is a ubiquitous phenomenon in web tracking, regardless of vendor. Referrer information can be missing for a number of reasons, such as browser privacy settings, HTTPS to HTTP navigation, bookmarks, links in emails, and of course when the users navigate directly to the site by entering the URL in the address bar of the browser.


A small message is sent to our servers from the Ontame tracking code placed on your website or in the ATS, when users browse the sites. These events provide the necessary information about visitors to do the source tracking.

Form views

Form views count the number of sessions in which a given application flow was viewed. If several different application flows have been visited within a given session, one form view will be generated per application flow visited.


A registered hire in the ATS system for a specific application.


A registered interview in the ATS system, related to a specific application. In the Ontame dashboards, each application can only contribute a single interview. As such the interview counts represent the number of applications for which the candidate has had at least one interview registered in the ATS.

Job Post 

A web page advertising a specific position. The job post can be on a corporate website or in the ATS.

Job View 

Job views count the number of sessions in which a given job post was viewed. In other words, a single session can generate at most one job view per job post. If several different job posts have been visited within a given session, one job view will be generated per job post visited.

Manually Created Candidates 

Refers to candidates that have been uploaded manually to your ATS. These candidates have not applied via your online application form, and consequently, it is not possible to perform web tracking on them to determine the source.


This source covers the long tail of small sources. Ontame will take care of moving new sources to their own source once they grow big enough. Contact your Ontame representative if you would like us to create a new source for you."

Page view

Page views count the number of sessions in which a given page was viewed on your website. If several different pages have been visited within a given session, one page view will be generated per visit.


A job or role to be filled by one or more people. In some cases, a given position can be advertised through multiple jobs posts, but often there is a single job post associated with a position.


In general, when a user moves from one web page A to another web page B, the browser will add the URL of web page A to the request it sends to the server to retrieve web page B. Ontame uses this referrer information in the attribution model to figure out the media channel initially used by a user.


A session refers to a specific visit to a website by a specific user. A session is opened when the user first visits the site and remains open as long as the user is active on the site. After a certain period of inactivity, the session will expire and any subsequent action by the user on the site will start a new session. The sessions used by the Ontame attribution model will expire after 30 minutes of inactivity.


A source of web traffic, job views and ultimately hires. Typically this notion refers to a job board or online media channel that can lead traffic to your job posts, but it also includes search engines, social media sites, and your corporate website.

Time to Fill 

We calculate the number of days for each position from the first job view to the first hire registered in the ATS. This number is averaged across all relevant positions.

Time to First Interview 

We calculate the number of days for each position from the first job view to the first interview registered in the ATS. This number is averaged across all relevant positions.

Tracking Link

Tracking Links can be used for specifically dedicated tracking of a media source or specific product, such as an email campaign, banner ad, or news feed update.

UTM Campaigns

UTMs are brief snippets of tracking codes that are appended to the end of URLs. They divulge a range of key data points that, when aggregated, provide valuable insights about how users interact down the funnel and across your channels.

View Rate 

The View Rate tells you how many views each job has received per day on average.

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