
What you'll see in the platform and what you can use the Overview for.

The overview shows your overall most important metrics. In the top right section, you can manage your view in terms of departments, country and period.

Starting with "daily traffic", here you'll see the total number of job views in the selected period.

The green area illustrates the "Job Views" you see in the green box below the graph. The blue area illustrates the "Applicants" you see in the blue box.

Below this section you can switch between "Funnel" and"KPIs". These three are the standard Ontame.io views, which you'll find in many of the tabs.

This allows you to quickly identify how each source is performing. You can use KPIs to analyse each source in depth, answering important strategic questions like "Where do we get the best candidates from?" and "How much do we pay per application from the different sources?".

The rest of the page-view

At the top right, you can see your organisation's "Time to first interview" and "Time to Fill". These terms are described in our adequate glossary list.

The "Traffic"-section shows you where your traffic (views) is coming from - desktop (computer/Mac), mobile or tablet. This information allows you to take strategic actions in terms of mobile-optimization. Maybe it is time to think about a mobile-application function in your recruitment-process?

"Channels" shows you where your visitors are coming from. This information is essential in terms of understanding your audience and knowing where to increase your focus.

All in all, the Overview is where you can get a broad perspective of your business, and take the temperature on a various number of important metrics.

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