Job Countries

NB: This tab is only relevant if your organization is operating in more than one country.

Ever wondered how your organization is performing in another country? The Job Countries feature allows you to gain unique insights into performance in other countries. In this tab, you'll see the three basic perspectives: Funnel and KPIs.

Job Countries allows you to compare different countries to one another - this could, for instance, be critical KPIs such as conversion rate and time to fill.

Tips from the Ontame team: How to use Job Countries

  • Job Countries can be greatly utilised in terms of knowledge sharing across your global departments. It is well known that knowledge sharing is a key driver of organizational success. Imagine that one of your units in Sweden has cracked the code in terms of achieving higher conversion rates. With the Job Countries function, this information will now be available to all of the organization across borders. Now you can quickly extract the knowledge from your Sweden-team, and potentially achieve important breakthroughs in other countries.

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