In this article, we will go through how to successfully use the ‘All employee data template’ in People Core. This is a good suggestion for organisations who would like to import all their employees and positions at once, with the accompanied information. After this import, the customer will be able to create the position tree hierarchy.
Go to Imports > Download import template > All employee data template. An excel file is now downloaded to your computer.
Open up the excel sheet, it should look like the picture below. This excel sheet contains columns that are related to three different categories: Employee, Position and Contract. They are all three equally important to make the import a success - especially contracts that connects the employee to the right position:
At the bottom of the sheet, you’ll find tabs with different names. They are connected to the columns with adjacent name and there you can find the accepted values to choose from. For instance, under ContractTypes we only accept Permanent or FixedTermEmployment:
Now follows a detailed instruction on how to successfully fill in each column, divided in the categories Employee, Position and Contract:
Required Employee data
The only required fields for importing an employee are:
First name
Last name
The rest of the columns are optional.
This means that if you would rather import or fill it out in the system later - that works (but is not recommended if you have the data accessible now.
Format and valid data in each field
Field name | Name in file | What? | Allowed format/values | Example |
First name | Employee:First Name | The employee’s first name | Any text | John |
Middle name (optional) | Employee:Middle Name | The employee’s middle name | Any text | John |
Last name (required) | Employee:Last Name | The employee’s last name | Any text | Konradsson |
Date of birth (optional) | Employee:DateOf Birth | The employee’s date of birth | YYYY-MM-DD (Excel will re-format once entered) | 1993-03-28 |
Legal gender (optional) | Employee:Legal Gender | The employee’s legal gender | Man/Woman/Not Specified | Woman |
Talentech ID email (optional) | Employee:Talentech IdEmail | The email address that the employee will use for logging in, can be the same as the business email or another one. Highly recommended if you would like for your employees to be able to log in, in the future. | A unique and valid email address | [email protected] |
Business email (optional) | Employee:Business | The business email address for the employee | A valid email address | [email protected] |
Business phone number (optional) | Employee:Business PhoneNumber | The business phone number for the employee | Phone number with country code but without zero or + sign | 46731234567 |
For the Private address fields, either all or nothing is required. E.g if you insert a street name, you are required to fill in the other columns related to the address as well - otherwise you will get an error. If you don't have information for all columns, just write ‘Unknown’ or ‘No value’ - then the import will still go through. | ||||
Private email (optional) | Employee:Private | A private email for the employee | A valid email address | |
Private phone number(optional) | Employee:Private PhoneNumber | A private phone number for the employee | Phone number with country code but without zero or + sign | 46731234567 |
Private address street | Employee:Private AdressStreetLine1 | The name of the street the employee lives in. | Any text | Linnegatan 31 |
Private address street 2 | Employee:Private AdressStreetLine2 | Additional name of the street the employee lives in. | Any text | Linnegatan 31 |
Private address post code | Employee:Private AddressPostCode | The post code of the employee’s private address | Any numbers | 11448 |
Private address city | Employee:Private AddressCity | The name of the city the employee lives in | Any text | Stockholm |
Private address country | Employee:Private AddressCountry | The country the employee lives in. | Any text | Sweden |
Nationality | Employee:National Country | The nationality of the employee. | A country name, allowed values can be found under the tab ‘Countries’ | Sweden |
Identification Number | Employee:National Identification Number | The national identification number the employee holds. | A series of numbers. | 199403310098 |
For the Emergency contact fields, either all or nothing is required. E.g if you insert a emergency contact name, you are required to fill in the other columns as well - otherwise you will get an error. If you don't have all of the required fields, just write ‘Unknown’ or ‘No value’ - then the import will still go through. | ||||
Emergency contact name (required for the emergency contact to be imported) | Employee: Emergency ContactName | The name of the employee’s emergency contact | Any text | John Konradsson |
Emergency contact email (required for the emergency contact to be imported) | Employee: Emergency ContactEmail | The email address to the employee’s emergency contact | A valid email address | [email protected] |
Emergency contact phone number (required for the emergency contact to be imported) | EmergencyContact PhoneNumber | The phone number to the employee’s emergency contact | Phone number with country code but without zero or + sign | 46731234567 |
Emergency contact relationship (required for the emergency contact to be imported) | Employee: EmergencyContact Relationship | The relationship between the employee and the emergency contact | Any text | Spouse |
Required Position data
The only required fields for importing an employee are:
Job title
This is what will be shown in the Position tree in People Core e.g Country Manager Sweden, Implementation Lead Denmark.Job type
This is a categorization of positions, that is supposed to be helpful for those of you who want to group several positions with a certain name. E.g all CEO, CMO, CCO, COO positions could have job type ‘Management’ or all developer positions could have job type ‘Development’. If you have has both blue collar and white collar workers, Job type can be used for that. It is up to you to decide what you consider most suitable.
The rest of the columns are optional! This means that you would rather import this/fill it out in the system later - that works (but not recommended if you have the data accessible now). |
Keep in mind that the position data should relate to the actual position information, not necessarily the employee that is filling the position right now. E.g Weekly hours should be based on if the position is intended to be a full time or part time position, not if the employee that has the position right now works full time or not. |
Format and valid data in each field
Field | Name in file | What? | Allowed formats/values | Example |
Job type (required) | Position:JobType | The job type for the position we are assigning the individual to. See description above. | Any text | Management |
Job description | Position:JobDescription | Describing duties and responsibilities regarding the specific position. | Any text | Job description for a Sales Manager: |
Weekly hours | Position:WeeklyHours | The weekly hours the position requires (basically if the position is intended to be a full time or part time position. NOT if the employee that occupies the role now works full time/part time) | Any number | 20 |
Job Title (required) | Position:JobTitle | The title of the position | Any text | Sales Manager Sweden |
Parent position | Position:ParentPosition | Manager of the employee | Use dropdown to select manager (you need to have entered Position:jobtitle first) | [Title] -[Employee name] |
Legal entity | Position:LegalEntityID | If you have imported/created Legal entities before you downloaded the file, then you will find the legal entities' names in the ‘Legal Entities’-tab in the excel. Those legal entity names are then your value choices to add on all the rows for each employee. If you have chosen not to add Legal entities, then you can leave this column empty on all rows. | Values from tab LegalEntities | Sweden |
Location | Position:LocationID | If you have imported/created Locations before you downloaded the file, then you will find the location’s names in the ‘Locations’-tab in the excel. Those location names are then your value choices to add on all the rows for each employee. | Values from tab Locations | Stockholm |
Department | Position:DepartmentId | If you have imported/created Departments before you downloaded the file, then you will find the department’s names in the ‘Departments’-tab in the excel. Those department names are your value choices to add on all the rows for each employee. | Values from tab Departments | Sales |
Required Contract data
You need to select:
Contract Type
This indicates if the contract the employee has connected to the chosen position is a permanent or fixed term employment. Depending on what you select here, different fields need to be filled out:Permanent contract type requires:
1. Contract indefinite should be set to TRUE
2. Add a start date for the employmentFixed term employment requires:
1. Contract indefinite should be set to FALSE
2. Add a start date for the employment
3. Add an end date for the employment
The rest of the fields connected to the employment are optional.
Format and valid data in each field
Field name | Name in file | What? | Allowed format/values | Example |
Contract Type (required) | Position:ContractType | This indicates if the contract the employee has connected to the chosen position is a permanent or fixed term employment. | Permanent/ FixedTermEmployment (to be found in ContractTypes tab) | Permanent |
Middle name (optional) | Employee:MiddleName | The employee’s middle name | Any text | John |
Start date | Contract:StartDate | Start date of the contract. | YYYY-MM-DD (Excel will re-format once entered) | 2023-03-31 |
Contract End date (only applicable if Contract type is Fixedterm Employment) | Contract:EndDate | End date of the contract. | YYYY-MM-DD (Excel will re-format once entered) | 2023-03-31 |
Contract indefinite | Contract:Indefinite | Used to indicate if a contract is indefinite or not. If the contract type is set to Permanent = TRUE | TRUE/FALSE | TRUE |
Contract Sign date | Contract:SignDate | The day which the contract was signed. | YYYY-MM-DD (Excel will re-format once entered) | 2023-03-31 |
Probation end date | Contract:Probation EndDate | The day which the probation period will end. | YYYY-MM-DD (Excel will re-format once entered) | 2023-03-31 |
Weekly hours | Contract:WeeklyHours | The weekly hours stated in the contract for the intended position | Any number | 20 |
Amount/Salary | Contract:Amount | The salary stated in the contract | Any number | 20 |
Currency | Contract:Currency | The currency in which the salary is set | Allowed abbreviation of currencies are found in the ‘Currencies' tab. | USD |
When all required and voluntary columns of choice are filled, it’s time to import it back to People Core by dropping your file in the grey box or by selecting the file from your computer.
If there are any problems with the import, e.g a value was entered in the wrong formatting that is not allowed, then People Core’s importing tool will help guide you where the error is.
Any Questions?
Please reach out to us here if you have any questions, we are always happy to help!