
Landing directly in the "Funnel-view", you'll see an overview of the sources that lead traffic to your jobs. This is the same view that figures on your "Overview"-tab, but here you'll get a full view of sources, whereas you only see the Top 10 in the Overview tab.

Right next to "Funnel" you'll find "KPIs". The KPI view grants access to the most critical KPIs of your sources like conversion rate.

Clicking on a source

Clicking on a specific source - let's say LinkedIn - will take you to an overview of LinkedIn's performance.

Right next to the "Overview"-tab, you'll see "Positions". Here you can see the positions that have generated views from LinkedIn, and how the performance of that source has been in each position.
Below the four boxes at the Overview, you'll find the three standard Ontame views: Funnel and KPIs
. These perspectives break down the source on a category level. Here you can see how the selected source is performing in your specific categories.

Tips from the Ontame team: How to use Sources

  • Source is an excellent tool for breaking down each individual source and analysing how the performance is across positions. Could it be that LinkedIn is performing great in your student positions, but not so much in your senior positions? 

    At Ontame we are always more than happy to take a look at your data - this is what we love! student positions

  • Use sources to negotiate better deals with your advertising partners. When you get access to specific data, that shows how a source really is performing for your organisation, you can use the data to negotiate a better deal next time you are talking with job boards. This is of course only relevant if the job board did not live up to your expectations.

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