Manual Candidates

Getting the full overview of your manually created candidates can be a challenge. Manually created candidates often come from all sorts of offline sources, like an employee referral programme, your in-house sourcing team, and external recruitment agencies. They typically end up in one big mess, with no possibility of connecting the candidate to a source.

As you probably know, the applicant tracking systems do not offer sufficient tracking and reporting for manually created candidates. That's why we created the Manual Candidates Module.

The Manual Candidates Module allows you to get in control of your manually created candidates, and track the performance of offline sources. With this tool, you can map your manually created candidates to all kinds of sources, to get a complete overview.

Explaining the basic functions of the module

Candidate ID
The Candidate ID is extracted from your ATS. If you want to know the name of the candidate, that belongs to the specific Candidate ID, you can use the search function in your ATS. Search for the Candidate ID.

The date the candidate was created in the ATS.

The name of the position that the candidate applied for.

If the dot is blue, the candidate has been marked as interviewed in your ATS. If the dot is grey, the candidate has not been registered as being interviewed.

If the dot is blue, the candidate has been marked as hired in your ATS. If the dot is grey, the candidate has not been registered as being hired.

This feature will help you to answer essential questions, such as:

  1. What's the best source for our organization?
  2. Which headhunters/recruitment agencies deliver the best candidates, at the best price?
  3. Is our referral program worth the effort, and where are the bottlenecks?
  4. Can we decrease time-to-fill by building and working actively with talent pools?
  5. What can we do to decrease the use of headhunters in department X?
  6. Where can we improve cost-per-hire?

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