How do I check the permissions of all admin roles?

In order to check the permissions you have to follow the steps below:

1. Go to settings -> Manage roles;

2. Choose the role that you would like to check;

3. Click on edit;

4. After that you will be able to check all permissions and edit it when needed;

5. If you edit it, don't forget to hit save.

You can check the steps it in the video below: 

Note that the "delete" permission is the highest one. With this one, the admin has access to all permissions: view, create, update and delete.

IMPORTANT: In case you don't have access to the "manage roles" area, please contact the main administrator of the app.

If you still have questions after reading this article, don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket.

We're always happy to help ! :)

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