"Home" page



For any HR admin, an overview page is a must! The "Home" page gathers all your organization's recruitments, shows stats, lets you do bulk changes, and filtering, giving you insights into all recruitment activities. It is available for all users with rights to see recruitments across your organization.

Core features

Basic recruitment stats

On the "Home" page, you have three areas to give you an overview: Ongoing Recruitments, Candidates and Candidate Experience last 90 days.

Ongoing Recruitments

  • Recruitments (chart split up in: Unpublished, Published and Not Published)
  • Missing rejections

  • Interviews


With the candidate stats you can see how far along candidates across recruitments are in the different project statuses

  • Incoming

  • Screening

  • Interview

  • Selection phase

  • Hired

Candidate experience last 90 days

It is important for all organizations to take good care of the candidates applying for positions. To ensure easy tracking of the candidate experience you can get an overview of:

  • Time to fill
  • Time to interview
  • Time to rejection

Calculation for Time to fill

Average of the period between the date for creating the project and the date for marking a candidate as hired (in the last 90 days)

Other criteria checked for:

  • The project is active and not deleted
  • The project is placed in current department or in a subdepartment
  • The current user has access to the project
  • Project creation date is under 90 days ago

Calculation for Time to Interview

Average of the period between the date for project creation and the date for interview creation (in the last 90 days).

Other criteria checked for:

  • The project is active and not deleted
  • The project is placed in current department or in a subdepartment
  • Applicants are registered (excluding anonymized applicants)
  • The current user has access to the project
  • Project creation date is under 90 days ago
Calculation for Time to Rejection

Average of the period between registration date of an applicant and date when applicant's status was set to rejected (in the last 90 days).

Other criteria checked for:

  • Applicant is not anonymized/Deleted
  • The applicant is registered and the registration date is under 90 days
  • Applicant is active and also not hired

Other features

Other core features include:

Bulk Change

With bulk change, you are able to change project leader and department for recruitment projects. You can either select specific projects or select the whole page with one click. 

Live Search field

Search for specific recruitments, departments and project leaders, allowing you to easily find what you are looking for.

  • Recruitments 

  • Project Leaders

  • Departments


Use the filter to change page view based on different parameters. The default columns are: Recruitment, Status, Application Due, Days Since Start, Department, Project Leader and Publishing. Users can filter on:

  • Department

  • Project leader

  • Project Status

  • Publish status

  • Location

  • Category

  • Include finished recruitments

  • Show missing rejections

When setting your filter, the page will remember your settings until you clear the filters and the page will return to its default setting.

Edit option

Use the shortcut option to

  • Edit the recruitment project
  • Copy the project
  • Finish/Restart the recruitment
  • View job ad

Sort columns

Change the order of a column with one click. Default will show the newest recruitments at the top.

Status column

Get a quick overview of the statuses of your recruitments in the “Status” column. The statuses are:

  • Created

  • Incoming

  • Screening

  • Selection phase

  • Hired

  • Deciding

Statuses are indications of where in the process the recruitments are. Since candidates can be spread across more than one process step, the status bar changes when the first candidate is moved to a new step, fx. Hired.

Things that are different from the old page

If you have been with Talentech for some time, you may find that the new "Home" page looks quite different from what you are used to. The new "Home" page is part of modernizing and improving our design and your user experience. 

We have collected the answers to some of the questions you may have to the changes here. If you still are wondering about something, we are happy to help. Contact us here

Overall UI changes 
Things will look differently, and this is intended, since we wanted to give you a clean and easy-to-use "Home" page that had better overall performance.

The organization hierarchy has been removed
The organizational hierarchy has been removed on purpose to align with the Talentech design improvements. You can still filter on departments by using the "Filter" action button.

Page options has been removed
You can set your page option with the new "Filter action button. This is to improve page performance and your experience.

Information area is gone
We have removed the collapsable field for adding information. Giving users information is possible in the "My Page" section called “Internal information”.

Overview bar for stats
Since you can now find more detailed recruitment stats in the "Reports" module, we have opted to create “Ongoing recruitments”, “Candidates” and “Candidate experience last 90 days” to give you an easy day-to-day overview of your recruitments.

View candidates and edit project icon are gone
These options have simply moved to create a more intuitive experience. Click on the recruitment project name to view candidates and use the shortcut option (three dots to the right) “edit” to edit projects.

Favorite star icon is removed
To simplify the page, we have removed icons including the favorite icon.

Excel export icon is gone!
Since we have introduced the "Reports" menu, we have chosen to remove the excel report icon. Your data is still collectable in "Reports".

I cannot deactivate a recruitment project on overview page
To simplify the page, we have removed the option to deactivate recruitment projects. It is still possible to deativate project when editing i Project Details.

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