I am an admin but I would like to see how the app works as if I was an employee. What is your suggestion?

In order to view the content of the app as an employee, you need to do the following:

1. You need to log into the app using your credentials to the frontend. This will allow you to experience the app as an onboardee.

Please note that the link that the employee use to access the frontend and the login page differs from the link used for the admin page.

The login page and the link that employee use to access the frontend is written as follows: Nameoftheapp.apps.talmundo.com:

2. Once you've successfully logged into the frontend of the app, you will be able to see the welcome page from an employee's perspective.

3. You will be able to see the content relate to your assigned filters.

4. You will be able to play with the timing to see how the content is changing due to the number of days before or after Start Date / Last day.

5. You will be able to see the number of tasks you currently have to do and also see what tasks you've already completed.

6. You will also be able to see your progress calculation when you've answered a quiz or a pulse check.

If you still have questions after reading this article, don't hesitate to contact us by submitting a ticket.

We're always happy to help ! :)

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