1.9 Project list

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Please begin by watching the following video tutorial.

Further down the page you will find a complete step-by-step breakdown of the tutorial.

In the project list, you find all the projects you have access to. You can sort and filter them in different ways to find the projects that are relevant to you. You also get a quick overview of the status for each project and can edit details of the project or view the candidates:

Filter the view

In the menu bar you can filter the view for the project list:

Click here to see personal projects, which are the projects where you are the project owner:

If you click on 'Assigned' projects, you see the projects that you have been invited to participate in. This is the most common filtering view for hiring managers, as hiring managers often get invited to participate in recruitment projects:

Click here to view all the projects you own that have been completed:

Under the header 'All projects', you can see all projects that you have access to, but filter them on status:

You can view all projects that are in progress by clicking here:

and all finished projects regardless of the project owner, by clicking here:

To see all projects, regardless of status and project owner, click 'All':

If you know the name of the project, you can click here to do a free text search:

You can also filter the view by clicking here. You can, for example, filter by organizational unit:

Project overview

In the project list, you get an overview of the details of each project.

In this column you can see in which part of the organization the project belongs:

In the column for candidates, you can see how many candidates that have applied:

If the number is blue, there are new candidates in the project that hasn’t yet been viewed by anyone:

If the number is grey, all the candidates have been viewed. Hover on the number of candidates to see how many that are new.

Here you can see when the project was created:

and here you can see if an advertisement has been created:

In this column you can see if the advertisement is published, and for how long it will remain published:

Sort the view

You can sort the project list by clicking on any of the headers:

By default, the list is sorted by project ID, which is the unique ID for each project:

Click on another column to sort by that header instead, for example, 'Candidates'.

Edit a project and view the candidates

To edit any part of a project, you can click on this menu to get a list of options that takes you directly to that tab:

By clicking on this menu you can also copy an existing project:

You get the option to select which parts of the project you want to copy, which is useful if you are hiring to a similar position. Type a name for the new project and select the parts to copy by check-marking them. Please note that you need to publish a new advertisement if you create a copy:

To view the candidates in a project, click on 'Candidates' in the menu, or click on the name of the project:


You have now been introduced to the project list and how it enables you to apply different filters to find the projects that are relevant to you. The project list enables you to get a quick overview of the status of each project where you have access. You have also been introduced to how you quickly edit a project or view the candidates that have applied.

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