1.1 Create a new project – Project definition



Please begin by watching the following video tutorial.

Further down the page you will find a complete step-by-step breakdown of the tutorial.

Define the details of your recruitment project

To create a new recruitment project, click “add new project”:

You find the button at the start page or the page for Projects:

The first step of the project creation is the “project definition”. The fields in the project definition can be adjusted by ReachMee support:

The project definition is where you fill out the details about the project; for example, which department of the organization is recruiting:

You can find and select the department by clicking here and expanding the organizational structure. You can also find the department with a free text search:

Now type project name, which is the internal name for the project. The name is not visible to the candidates:

In case you want to hire more than one candidate in the project, fill out the number of positions:

Next, select the “project cleaning policy”. If there is only one project cleaning policy, it is automatically selected for you:

The project cleaning policy defines when a candidate’s application is deleted automatically. Please note that all projects need to have a cleaning policy to comply with GDPR.

After 28 days, the system sends out a reminder to the project owner, to finish the project. To turn off the reminder, checkmark this box:

In classification, you can define the details about the position, which later can be used for statistics:

The information you just entered can be prefilled in your next project if you checkmark this box:

Click “Save and continue” to start creating your advertisement:

Click Save to get a summary of the project definition, and get an overview of the information you just entered:

You can now continue with the next steps of creating your project.

We recommend you work from top to bottom in the project menu not to miss any steps:

This video has walked you through how to create a new recruitment project in ReachMee, and you are now ready to get started.

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