Setting up a Hire workflow

Setting up a Hire workflow 

When using Hire you may want to allow different persons to be able to perform different steps in the workflow of Hiring a candidate. This is controlled by user roles that are in most cases set up by Support or your Customer Success Manager. 

You can control both who can perform which step of the process and the scope of access to candidates in a contract process. 

Setting up who can do which steps 

By using access rights, it’s possible to control who should be able to do what in the process. The following steps can be controlled separately: 

  • Start a Hire process from a project 
  • Apply a template and fill in information to be added to the document 
  • Send a document for signing 

Starting a Hire from the project 

Users with the required access right can select a candidate in a project and start the Hiring process either from the candidate list or of from the candidate card. 

Apply template and fill in information about a candidate 

Users with this access right can enter the Hire section, choose which contract templates to use, and fill in details about the candidate, the employment and the company. If the user does not have the right to send contracts for signing, the last step for this user will be to mark the contract as ready to be signed.

Add signing parties and send a document for signing 

Users who are allowed to send a document for signing have the responsibility to make sure that everything is correct before sending it, which is the last step of the process. If someone else prepared everything before this step, the user with the right to send will just look at contracts with status “Ready”, add signing parties and signing orders, review the contract and send it for signing. 

List of candidates showing status. Ready means that all details have been added to the contract and it’s ready to be sent for signing.

The last step of the contract process, where the contract is sent for signing by the person who has that authority. 

Setting up who can access which candidates 

A user with access to Hire will be by default only be able to see candidates in projects for which they are the project owner. This is a good setup when the project owner is responsible for the whole process. 

For organizations where HR take care of the whole or parts of the contract process, these central Hire users can be given access to all candidates or candidates within their part of the organization, regardless of project.  


How to make changes to access rights 

If you want to change the setup of your user roles to adapt the workflow to your organization, please contact [email protected]


Signing options 

To make the signing step smoother, there are a number of settings for prefilling certain information in the signing step. These settings can be found in Admin/Hire. If you have more than one organization unit with their own e-signing account (for example because you have different brands or countries) you will first select organization unit to work with in a dropdown menu, and then you’ll come to the settings page that looks like this: 

Signing options 

Here you can select which signing options should be available to choose from when signing the contract, and wether or not the user who sends the contract should be able to remove an available option for each sent contract. 

The checked options will be shown on the Send for signing page. 

Be aware that there might be different rules in each country for using BankID as a signing method. In Sweden, all customers that would like to use Swedish BankId as a signing method will have to apply for this. Please contact you Customer Success Manager or our support team for more information about this. 

If the checkbox “Allow to change options when sending contract in Hire” is checked, it means that the user who sends the contract can uncheck some of the available options for the current contract. 



The checkboxes under Parties control who will be automatically added as a signing party in the step Send for Signing. These can always be removed by the user before actually sending the contract.

The following persons can be added automatically as signing parties: 

  • Project Owner of the project the candidate came from 
  • The candidate who’s being hired 
  • The person who initiated the hiring process from the project


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