Templates and replacement codes in Hire

Hire allows you to create contract templates with both standard and custom replacement codes.  


A template is the base of a contract that is the same for all contracts of the same type. It contains all the common texts and design for the contract.  

If you have the right access object you can create, edit and delete templates from Admin -> Templates -> Hire templates.

Templates can either be common or private. Common templates can be used by all users while private templates can only be used by you. 

Like other templates Hire templates can be organized in folders and also connected to organization trees. 

Editing and deleting templates 

When editing and deleting templates you will affect all Hires that use the template that have not yet been sent to anyone for signing. So please delete or edit templates with care since it may affect multiple Hiring processes. 

Replacement codes 

Replacement codes are a big part of templates. They represent the things that differ between individual contracts, such as the candidates name, address, salary and other benefits. 

Some replacement codes are even connected to candidate and project fields and are prefilled in Hire if you have a value in them on the candidate or in the project. 

There are already several replacement codes in the Hire tool and you can even create your own new codes for things that might be unique to your instance of ReachMee. 

Replacement codes can be of 3 different types; freetext field, text area (large) and drop downs. 

Freetext fields are smaller textboxes suitable for shorter information such as names, salary and dates and text area (larger) are bigger and areas and are suitable for whole sentences or paragraphs such as job description. 

Drop downs can be used if there are a limited number of standard texts that you want to be able to insert into a contract. When creating a drop down replacement code, you set both an option title and an option text. The option title is what will be shown in the drop down and the option text is the text that will be inserted into the contract. 

Replacement code validation 

You can set validation for the replacement codes to one of the following validation types: 

Text, Date (YYYY-MM-DD), Date (DD.MM.YYYY), SSN (YYYYMMDD-XXXX), Numbers only 

Archive and delete replacement codes 

To help customers clean up their replacement codes that they create themselves they can archive and delete replacement codes. 

Archive means that the replacement code still works in existing templates but can’t be added to new templates and templates with it can’t be updated if it’s not removed/replaced 

You can delete an archived replacement code that is no longer used in any templates (private or public). You can’t delete the default replacement codes. 

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