Tagging participants with @mentioning

Short description

Possibility to tagg participants in made comments on candidates.

What is the customer value?
Stronger collaboration – @Mentioning makes it easy to involve the right team members quickly, leading to faster and more informed hiring decisions

How does it work?

User click on the “eye” symbol or on the comment on the candidate (from candidate list), followed by the overview card will be shown. 

User will then type in comment + @ and then start write the name of the participant. The participants name will be visible in the list of potential matching participants that should receive the comment. Then click save.

By clicking “send” the added participant will have an email saying:

The receiver of the email can click on the button “Go to comment” and will directly be transferred to the made comment. 


Question Mark Is it possible to add @ mentioning when adding comments on multiple candidates at the same time?
No, it is not possible to add mentioning when adding comments on multiple candidates using process: mark multiple candidates in the candidate list, click on menu banner → add comment. 

Question Mark Is it possible to change the comment after it has been sent?

Question Mark Is it possible to change the email-template?

Question Mark Is there a limitation on frequency of emails? 

Any Questions?

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