Candidate Workflow

Please begin by watching the following video tutorial.
Further down the page you will find a complete step-by-step breakdown of the tutorial.

The Workflow creates an easy overview of how far your candidates are in the recruitment process.
The Workflow is used on the candidate list and defines the number of recruitment stages, also known as ‘WorkflowSteps’.
Furthermore, the Workflow defines which Statuses you can assign candidates during the recruitment process:

The system has a default workflow, but the ‘Workflow’ module allows you to customize your organization’s Workflow:

It is our recommendation that you use one single workflow for all recruitment projects in order to simplify the administration, but it is possible to create unique workflows per department.

This could be the case if you have unique recruitment processes for specific employee types or you are a company working with search and selection. In these specific cases it may be useful to have several workflows to choose between. 

In this walkthrough, we will show you how to customize your workflow.  

From the tab ’Workflows’ you can create new Workflows and define which WorkflowSteps the Workflow should consist of:

From this tab you can create new WorkflowSteps and get an overview of available WorkflowSteps:

From the tab ‘Statuses’ you can create new Statuses which can be linked to specific WorkflowSteps:

Here you will see Talent Recruiter’s default workflow. By clicking here, you can see which steps and Statuses the workflow consists of:

Here you see which Statuses can be assigned to candidates and in which WorkflowSteps the candidates are placed when they are assigned a specific Status:

There are two mandatory Statuses in your Workflow: ‘Application confirmed’ and ‘Received application’. These are known as ‘System Statuses’ and are used by the system, when the system first registers the application and next sends out the automated application confirmation:

Additionally, we recommend adding the Status ‘Offer accepted’ to register that a candidate has been hired, once you have found the right match. The Status ensures that the candidate automatically counts as a hired candidate in the systems statistics:

Other System Statuses include ‘interview declined or accepted’, located in this step. These Statuses are automatically given the candidate, when they accept or decline a calendar invitation to an interview:

There are Statuses attached to the email templates that are manually sent to candidates. For example, a candidate automatically changes Status from 'Application Confirmed' to ‘Invitation for 1st Interview’ when you invite the candidate to the first interview. 
Furthermore, there are several manual Statuses, that can be assigned to the candidate when relevant.

Please note
Statuses attached to e-mail templates, known as ’Associated Status’, should be included in a WorkflowStep. This ensures that the candidates are automatically moved to the correct WorkflowStep, when an e-mail templates is sent to the candidate. 

Click on the arrow in the bottom left corner in order to return to the start page with the Tabs, Workflows, WorkflowSteps and Statuses. 

From the tab ‘Statuses’, you are able to create new Statuses to be added to WorkflowSteps. 

Click on the tab ‘Statuses’:

Click here to create a new Status:

Add a name to the Status. Next, add a description that appears on the list of available Statuses:

If the Status is checked as ’Is Rejection Status’, the candidates with this Status will no longer be a part of the recruitment process and therefore they are hidden from the candidate list. If the Status is checked as ’Is inheritable’, the Status can be used on sub departments. Please note, that we do not recommend marking Statuses as mandatory, as this will mean that the Status must be included in a Workflow in order to save the Workflow:

Click ’Save’ to create the new Status. You are now able to add the Status to a WorkflowStep.

From this tab, you can create new 'WorkflowSteps' and get an overview of available WorkflowSteps. The list below shows the system's default WorkflowSteps:

If the WorkflowStep is marked with a star, it is inherited from an overlying department or is a default WorkflowStep. Therefore, you can only edit the WorkflowStep, if you make a copy first:

Edit WorkflowStep
If you wish to remove a Status from your WorkflowStep, click ‘Edit’:

and then click ‘Delete’ next to the desired Status:

Create new WorkflowStep
Click ’New WorkflowStep’ in order to create a new WorkflowStep:

Add a name. The name will appear on the list of available WorkflowSteps and will also appear on the candidate list when the Workflow is in use. Next, add a description which will appear on the list of available WorkflowSteps. By checking ‘Is inheritable’, the WorkflowStep can be used on sub departments:

Click ’Add Status’ to associate Statuses to the WorkflowStep. Manually created Statuses will always be located at the bottom of the list. Check off the Statuses you wish to include in the WorkflowStep and click ‘OK’:

You can now see that the Statuses have been added to the WorkflowStep:

Remember to Click ’Save’ to create the WorkflowStep. 

How to merge WorkflowSteps into a new Workflow
Click on the tab Workflows to merge WorkflowSteps into a new Workflow:

Now, click ’New Workflow’:

Add a name to the Workflow. Then add a description that will appear on the list of available Workflows. By checking ’Is inheritable’, the Workflow can be used on Sub departments:

Now, click ’Add workflow Step’:

Choose the WorkflowSteps that you would like to include in the Workflow:

From here you can add and remove WorkflowSteps. Furthermore, you can change the order of the WorkflowSteps by using Drag & Drop, so that they resemble your recruitment process:

Click ‘Save’ when you are done arranging the WorkflowSteps.

You have now been introduced to the Workflow module and how it enables your organization to build your own Workflows. If multiple Workflows are set up in a department, you will be asked to select the desired Workflow for the project when creating it:

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